Are Muscle Massage Guns Worth Buying?

Whether it's after a tough workout or just the result of hunching over your laptop all week, chances are you've dealt with muscle tightness or knots before.

You've probably also tried some of the go-to remedies for getting relief — a heating pad, stretch routine, massage or maybe even foam rolling.

But, there's another way to deal with tight muscles that's trending: massage guns.

Here in this article, you will find valuable information regarding these handheld massager devices. 

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Why does a massage gun work?

"Muscle knots are essentially small bundles of muscle fibers that, for one reason or another, are stuck in a contracted state," explains Dr. Hedt. "They're not getting the chemical input that usually tells them to relax, so these fibers become stuck or 'glued' together."

When this happens, the nerves bundled within the knotted muscle get confused and the resulting neural output is pain.

If you are looking for a deep tissue massager gun then there are some of the best portable massage guns available in the market. These deep tissue massager guns give a gentle stretch to your muscles and also prevent any injury during the workouts.  These muscle massage guns work with lots of power on your stiff tissues and muscles so that you are relieved from all kinds of chronic pain conditions. As these are battery-powered portable massage gun devices, so you have to keep one thing in your mind that you should always go for a percussion massager gun that has long battery life.  A good portable massager gun works quietly without making so much noise during its operation.  The people who live in the USA can get benefit from percussion massage guns as these are easily available in the market. If you are looking for a massage gun USA then there are renowned brands that manufacture best message products with extraordinary features. A massage gun with excellent grip and shape works comfortably by penetrating deeply into the layers of tight muscles. These massager guns come with various massage heads that help you to customize your massage. You can adjust the speed and intensity of your muscle massage gun according to your muscular issues.  If you want to select a massage gun that uses the heating feature then you can also go for that as it helps to reduce muscle inflammation and pain. You need to recharge the battery of your massager gun completely so that it works continuously for more than 3 hours. When you have a portable massage gun then you can carry all its attachment and accessories in its case provided. Portable massage guns are very lightweight that is why they are easier to use at home.

Are massage guns worth it?

With a slew of options now on the market, massage guns aren't just for athletes anymore. They're for anyone willing to shell out some money to up their recovery game.

But are massage guns actually worth a price tag that can range from $30 to $600?

"From a physical therapy perspective, I certainly think a massage gun is a useful recovery tool," says Dr. Hedt. "One study actually shows that percussive massagers can provide the same benefit as a 15-minute massage in as little as two minutes of using it."

In terms of pricing, says Dr. Hedt, there is no current evidence that more expensive products necessarily provide for a greater outcome. Typically, the cost will likely be associated with ease of use, longevity/quality of materials, battery life, and options for customization (movable head, various speed differentials, head selection). These can all be weighed by the individual consumer to determine what product may be most beneficial for them.

However, when determining whether to invest in a massage gun, he notes that it's important to understand when to use one and what to expect (and not expect) from one.

What are the Benefits of a percussion massage gun?

A hectic day is full of stress and work pressure and if you want to relieve all your aching muscles and reduce the stress then percussion massage gun is the right option for you. You can have lots of benefits by using a percussion massage gun. The patients who experience continuous pain in their muscles are advised to go for these massage guns having amazing benefits such as:

  • The top benefit of using a percussion massage gun is to enhance muscle flexibility and stretch. 
  • When the blood circulation is improved then you notice that post-workout muscle pain will be reduced to a great deal.
  • These massage guns are greatly used by athletes because they help to reduce muscle stiffness and pain.
  • When you use this massage gun regularly then the muscle fibers will be treated effectively reducing physical stress on your body. 
  • The best thing about these massage guns is that when firm pressure is applied to your muscles and the strokes reach deeply in your muscles to reduce tension and stiffness.
  • These massage guns give you an effective massage because they target on the deep inner layers of the muscles and connecting tissues around them.
  • If you are a regular user of a percussion massage gun then you can prevent any kind of injury during the workout.
  • When the sore and stiff muscles of your body are relaxed then you get a perfect uninterrupted night's sleep. 

If you are planning to buy a percussion massage gun for you then you should learn about percussion massage techniques. The people who visit massage therapist should discuss about the techniques which he uses while giving you a deep tissue massage. In this way, you will understand what type of massage gun is right for you according to your needs and requirements. You will get the best results only when you know the right way of using it. Make sure you discuss with a professional therapist when going for the right percussion massage gun for you.

Are massage guns very expensive to buy?

The handheld massage guns are the best massage guns available in the market and many people inquire about the price of the top models of these massage guns. Usually, these massage guns are very expensive to buy but you can go for some economical models as well.  You have to keep one thing in your mind that buying a massage gun is a lifetime investment and it is much better to buy an expensive massage gun rather than investing your money on massage sessions every month by visiting the massage therapist. 

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When should you use a massage gun?

"Massage guns are best for reducing the tightness and irritating knots that sometimes form in your muscles after exercise, especially if you exercise frequently or your workouts are intense," says Dr. Hedt. "There's also early evidence that percussive guns may help reduce the intensity and duration of soreness after a big workout."

But Dr. Hedt warns not to think of a massage gun as a preventive tool.

"I don't think there's a benefit to using a massage gun aimlessly every day as a sort of preventive routine," says Dr. Hedt. "There's no evidence showing that prophylactic massage will prevent knots. Instead, a massage gun is generally a tool to turn to when you're feeling discomfort."

And using a massage gun also doesn't mean you can drop your stretching routine.

"Massage guns are good at targeting a specific area that's tight, and while there are studies showing that range of motion improves immediately following massage gun usage, it's hard to say whether these tools will ever be shown to be more beneficial than a good dynamic stretching routine," adds Dr. Hedt.

Most importantly, if you're experiencing persistent muscle discomfort or pain, it's always best to get it checked out by a sports medicine doctor.

"The source of your pain might be something more complex than what your massage gun can handle and that would benefit from physical therapy," says Dr. Hedt.

Can massage guns replace foam rolling?

If you've had trouble with muscle knots and soreness in the past, chances are you've used a foam roller once or twice before.

The problem is, foam rolling can be painful. Really painful.

While explanations of how a massage gun works sounds pretty similar, can it really replace foam rolling?

"A few studies look favorably towards massage guns for reducing muscle stiffness and knots, as compared to foam rolling," says. Dr. Hedt. "Plus as users of these recovery tools, people tend to look more favorably at massage guns, too, since they cause less intense of a stimulus and muscle groups can be targeted and isolated more effectively."

However, Dr. Hedt adds that there still might be benefit to the discomfort that comes with foam rolling.

"If your muscles are just tight, sometimes inducing an unpleasant input of pain can act on your nervous system in a beneficial way, ultimately alleviating some of your discomfort even if it doesn't actually 'correct' anything within the tissue," adds Dr. Hedt.

Which massage gun attachment should you use?

"When it comes to the various attachments, the best rule of thumb is to go by what's most comfortable for you and the area you're targeting," says Dr. Hedt.

For instance, the blunted head attachment is probably best for larger muscle groups, like your thigh muscles; the rounded head attachment is likely best for smaller sites and more isolated targeting.

The larger and smaller foam head attachments are also probably best for large to small muscle groups, such as the calves, thighs and shoulders.

Are massage guns safe to use?

"Massage guns are safe to use for those who are cleared for exercise and don't have an underlying condition that might prevent them from being able to massage a muscle," says Dr. Hedt. "That being said, there are areas of your body you should avoid, particularly the front of your neck and torso — where you have many important organs. Also, you can't stretch bone, so be sure to avoid bony sites of your body."

As far as how to use a massage gun the right way, Dr. Hedt shares some do's and don'ts:

  • DO use a massage gun on large, bulky muscle groups, such as your quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, calf and upper trap muscles.
  • DO massage the muscle group you're targeting for about two minutes.
  • DON'T use a massage gun on the front of your torso or neck.
  • DON'T massage bony sites, such as the front of your shins, tops of your feet, head and joints.

Things to consider while using a massage gun :

If you are new to massage guns then you should discuss with the massage therapist before buying a massage gun for you. However, there are some important things to consider when you are using a massage gun.

  • First of all, you need to start a massage using your massage gun with low intensity and then you can increase intensity after some time.  If you have started the massage with high intensity then you will experience more muscle pain. First of all, you need to look at sore muscles of your body which should be your main target during the massage.
  • When you are using the massage gun, make sure you do not put so much pressure on it and let it slide smoothly over your skin.  Try using it several times over the effected muscles during the message and apply a little pressure in between which you need to maintain throughout the massage.
  • When you have maintained the intensity then continue your massage with it for some time. And then you can increase the intensity if you want. Make sure the target of your massage should be the stiff and tight muscles. Avoid using too much pressure in the beginning if you are new to a massage gun.


With the advancement in technology, the life of a common man has changed a great deal. Everyone is struggling hard in his life whether it is working for late hours in the office or sitting on your desk with incorrect posture. But the good news is that there are best massage guns in the market that use massage techniques according to your needs. If you are facing the problem of stiff muscles, muscle tightness and muscle pain in your back or neck then you can use handheld massager guns available in the market. Make sure you learn about different techniques that are used in these massage guns and the right method of using them otherwise you will not get the desired benefits.