How To Use A Massage Gun For Arthritis

People often think of massages as a luxury. But for people living with arthritis or related musculoskeletal pain, the right affordable type of massage isn’t just a way to pamper yourself — it can help you manage your condition, says Freesia Vickman, a licensed massage therapist for Soothe, who has specialized in clients with arthritis for years. “Massages can help reduce pain and inflammation by releasing the muscles around the joints and helping to increase blood flow to them,” she explains.

What is Arthritis

Firstly, let's learn a little more about Arthritis.Arthritis is very common but is not well understood.

Actually, “arthritis” is not a single disease; it is an informal way of referring to joint pain or joint disease. There are more than 100 types of arthritis and related conditions. People of all ages, sexes and races can and do have arthritis, and it is the leading cause of disability in America. Nearly 60 million adults and 300,000 children have some type of arthritis. It is most common among women and occurs more frequently as people get older.

In the UK, more than 10 million people have arthritis or other, similar conditions that affect the joints. Despite a popular belief that arthritis is a condition which only affects older individuals, the majority of people with arthritis are actually under 65 years of age. It can affect everyone from the elderly to children. 

Representation of a normal and other joint affected by arthritis

What Causes Arthritis

The two main types of arthritis — osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis — damage joints in different ways.

Risk factors for arthritis include:

  • Family history. Some types of arthritis run in families, so you may be more likely to develop arthritis if your parents or siblings have the disorder.
  • Age. The risk of many types of arthritis — including osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and gout — increases with age.
  • Your sex. Women are more likely than men to develop rheumatoid arthritis, while most of the people who have gout, another type of arthritis, are men.
  • Previous joint injury. People who have injured a joint, perhaps while playing a sport, are more likely to eventually develop arthritis in that joint.
  • Obesity. Carrying excess pounds puts stress on joints, particularly your knees, hips and spine. People with obesity have a higher risk of   developing arthritis. 

Deep Tissue Massage Does Work?

The health benefits of massage are varied, but can it ease the pain of arthritis?  

How does massage help ease arthritis symptoms?
The National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMSD) states that massage by an RMT can help decrease arthritis pain and improve flexibility in the muscles, joints and tendons. As Claire Gavin, a Toronto-based RMT explains, “Massage helps relieve pain and eases the muscle stiffness associated with arthritis by improving circulation, helping to reduce inflammation. That translates to enhanced blood flow to arthritic joints, improved movement, and reduced pain,”. She adds that massage uses soft tissue manipulation to help release muscle tension for better flexibility and pain relief. And as most people with arthritis can attest, less pain and more flexibility helps keep you moving, which in turn helps keep you out of the cycle of being sore, stiff and sedentary.

One of the safest and most popular ways to treat arthritis is through deep tissue massage. For those looking for quick, lasting pain relief without having to risk the harmful side effects of drugs or having to refill a prescription, deep tissue massage may be an ideal solution.

When undergoing deep tissue massage therapy, the massages manipulate multiple levels of tissue and muscles, easing tension, relieving joint pain, and ultimately providing natural relief and quick recovery. There are two ways to experience effective deep tissue massage: with a massage therapist or with a massage gun.

Considerations Before You Try Massage 

If you’re interested in trying one of the many types of massage as a way to ease your arthritis symptoms, it’s important to consult your rheumatologist or primary-care physician first to ensure that massage is safe for you. Some techniques may involve strong pressure to sensitive tissues and joints or moving limbs into various positions that may be difficult for someone with damaged joints from a disease like rheumatoid arthritis or ankylosing spondylitis

Use caution when considering massage if you have: 

  • Damaged or eroded joints from arthritis 
  • Flare of inflammation, fever or a skin rash 
  • Severe osteoporosis (brittle bones) 
  • High blood pressure 
  • Varicose veins 

Deep Tissue Massage + Massage Gun = Pure Comfort and Relief!

Many who suffer from arthritis see massage therapists in order to relieve pain. However, a massage gun is a more convenient and less expensive way to find comfort, relieve pain, ease swelling, and lower stress.

Most deep tissue massages run between $80 to $100 per hour. For those who are in a position to regularly spend money on such a massage, then a massage therapist might be the right choice. However, those who are looking to keep costs low while experiencing pure comfort and relief, can’t go wrong with a massage gun.

Ranging from about $150 to $300, a massage gun offers years of on-demand use, costing much less than continuously seeing a massage therapist. Massage guns also require next to no expertise in order to get an excellent massage. Simply point the gun about an inch away from the desired massage area and enjoy the soothing pulsations of the massage gun.

No matter where arthritis is: shoulders, neck, wrist, fingers, or even feet; the use of a massage gun provides swift pain relief, prevents flare-ups, eases soreness, and leads to quick recovery wherever it’s pointed.

For those hard-to-reach areas, like between fingers and toes, most massage guns on the market come with convenient attachments that allow even those tricky parts of the body to benefit from deep tissue massage.

Aside from pain relief and quick recovery, massage gun use has numerous other benefits. Using a massage gun prior to exercise increases blood circulation and muscle flexibility, which in turn prevents tension, inflammation, and aids in the process of muscle recovery. The vibrations are incredibly soothing, which helps relieve stress as well.

Massage Gun Safety Tips

Proper use of a massage gun is simple. The same safety rules for other appliances like irons, hairdryers, or toasters also apply to massage guns: keep dry, don’t leave it on when not in use, keep away from small children or pets, etc.

Although massage guns can be used to massage any area of the body, there are a few areas to steer clear of. Avoid using the massage gun on the neck, head, or any injured muscles. For further safety, hold the massage gun about an inch away from where it will be applied. For maximum effectiveness and safety, it’s best to use for at least 15 seconds and no more than 2 minutes on each muscle group. Every massage gun will come with a manual that includes complete safety and operating instructions.

Despite the positive impact massage guns have had on those suffering from arthritis, certain people may be more sensitive to deep tissue massage than others. If any pain is experienced, consult with a doctor for other treatment options.



Best affordable massage gun for arthritis

For those suffering from arthritis, there are many great relief methods and few are as convenient as a massage gun. Booster offers bset affordable models that help anyone get the relief and benefits of deep tissue massage from the comfort of home. 

These benefits go far beyond arthritis relief: athletes, physical therapists, and personal trainers also use massage guns to relax muscles, prevent pain, and make muscle recovery easier for themselves and their clients. Whether it be at home, in the office, or on vacation: a massage gun is the easiest way to find quick relief from the deliberating pains and frustrations of arthritis. 

Shop the full Booster massager gun line here

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